I absolutely love talking to people!Especially when they are just standing around.I like to be questioned but I don't like to repeat.Don't worry I will let you know if your repeating as I expect nothing less if I do the same.My biggest Issue is not recognizing people and re approaching them.I have no idea how to stop doing that.There are so many faces I don't know what to do?I usually ask if they have read the blog and then feedback if possible.Yea I talk to everybody all the time,I cant help without their help.I see properties all over town that are on tax auction but I cant just buy and pay for every thing.I don't understand if people know what 501c3 status means?CALL MY ACCOUNTANT !!!Any way,,I think people are goodhearted and I have met lots of them.Its probably my fault their not donating because I usually just tell them to say thank you if they see folks doing good deeds.Its not an easy road,however that is why I took it.
How many times have you heard someone say"if I had his money I could do things my way"Now is your chance to join in and be that rich man.I started this to help the people of Kewanee and some have stepped forward,we need to help each other.Together as Black Horse Orchard we can join forces and"BE THE RICH MAN".I met a lot of good people this weekend,I hope you feel the same way and join me on the adventure of making change a reality here in our" LARGE TOWN" of Kewanee Illinois.Thats right.Industry will probably not come back,and people will continue to leave and this is our best opportunity to MAKE A DIFFERENCE!Its more than planting trees,cleaning up litter,it educating the people on what to do and why we should do it.Step forward and be counted.I am one together we are many.I need volunteer teachers and volunteers who deal with volunteers!I work,That's my gift from god.I love to tell the story and hear one,Ill lay the mission out to anyone with an ear.But I have too work.There is freedom in manual labor that you cant get anywhere else.I love to work until I cant hardly stand,and then I pray.Being humbled gives me freedom,praying gives me reason.
Well we had a productive day today. Planted 8 trees. It is good to see that there are people out there that want to make a difference. Word is spreading, like to see alot more trees going up around Kewanee but time will tell, for now the postive outlook is looking good. All I can hope is that more poeple will want to help.