Many pcs of the tent.
Look what the girls have created! how amazing the talent some folks have.In this case young ladies who also volunteered to pick up trash,and did.Hope and Change brought to you by the people of Kewanee.Thank you girls for being part of the mission. anthony
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
hog days is coming
I got me a canopy tent and a 3 day permit,I checked with Sunnyfield and the trees should be here.I need a table and some chairs and some signs.Some young volunteers are going to make the signs.I just have to get the info laid out.
I think Ill preset-up the tent so I don't have trouble Friday morning.Chad has secured a spot in the parade for his mowing business and has offered we dual up, the t's should be ready for the Help Make A Difference campaign soon and I think some candy has been purchased. I wish more money was available as well as time,but it is what it is.If we look ,we see, we have what we need.I also finished the worksheet for the website furnished by poorhouse productions.
Set up meeting with accountant,insurance agent,new attorney,finished picking up trash along the tracks,weed-eated around poles,got rid of old tire,(thank you Keisters),tried to talk city into taking what litter we picked up(50 cent stickers need purchased,not to bad)Talked to railroad about planting trees,must not be on their property but the city owns a little of that area on rose street.Met some new people,fixed chainsaw and mowed lots on Washington,petted a horse sprayed a wasp nest,but I stuck my lady with the dishes as the day took its toll.This is a little more than half of my day.How wonderful of a day it has been.I almost feel as if I may have slacked a little today and hope tomorrow will be even more fruitful.I hope i dont try to set up the canopy tent in the house,it is almost 11.
I guess the biggest wave of energy that came through the last couple of days hit me the hardest.By watching in participating in such positive things my heart is pounding with anticipation.The orchards will be more than a blessing and the memorial orchards will be even more positive.If I die for some reason ,steal my body and plant a (black)cherry tree on my grave,I hereby give you permission.At least sprinkle my ashes on the ground around the tree, if that's illegal(careful don't spill) or put them in a small tomb by the tree.Come sit by my tree and see what kind of fruit I bare.
God bless everyone for the most amazing journey which has only just begun. anthony
God bless everyone for the most amazing journey which has only just begun. anthony
I hope its ok to say this Mas but your offer to do the web site hit me so hard.I read the email and was so taken back that I worked as hard as I could all day with a smile on my face and hope in my heart.I have to tell a short story about how I got your name.Please enjoy.
I called council member Gillespie to thank him for his graffiti removal program .Yea I know it was Yaklich's program.So I had a great conversation,even though I should have been humiliated by all of this,I listened well.Its because of this conversation I was able to meet Mas .And after that I called Yaklich to thank him.
I had to say it I couldn't resist,what a story.Mas I Thank you and finally was able to return your email.God bless you mas.
I called council member Gillespie to thank him for his graffiti removal program .Yea I know it was Yaklich's program.So I had a great conversation,even though I should have been humiliated by all of this,I listened well.Its because of this conversation I was able to meet Mas .And after that I called Yaklich to thank him.
I had to say it I couldn't resist,what a story.Mas I Thank you and finally was able to return your email.God bless you mas.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Even the neighbors on Red Adams started cleaning it up.I believe they were served some papers by the code officer.It looks as if it was effective.It was not me.I will always take credit for my actions.I also will leave that to others.As much as I want things cleaned up, I don't have the time.However I did ask my neighbors on Roseview to pick up their stuff.In my world that's 72 hour notice.I hope you don't have to see pics of that,but they were already trying to pass the buck.Maybe their not on the fault line.Coo-dos to those who cant take it anymore.But remember stay calm.I know you have looked at that for years,just calmly call your police dept non emergency # and just look how easy you get results.Be patient but persistent,calm and assertive.If that's not working I will show you the next step.Be positive,patient,persistent and pray.I wish I could afford sod.
My new friends twin daughters picking up the track side on Rose street after their dad mowed the remainder of the track side of the right away.They did a great job.Thanks girls!
some others felt that tremor
I met this young man when I stopped to thank whomever mowed the tracks side of the street.Turns out it was his mothers boyfriend.I wanted him to tell him thanks from me,because it was above and beyond and started a chain reaction.It then produced Trevor as an invited guest at the hot dog roast on New street.He showed and stuck around for some volunteer work.I hope to see him again.Hey Trevor thank you.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Wallaces survey lots 12,13,14
This family business is as local as you can get ,from Toulon Il.
Great job and I look forward to having you back for 8,and 9 as well as the Red Adams site.
Great job and I look forward to having you back for 8,and 9 as well as the Red Adams site.
Friday, August 26, 2011
WHBF news channel 4 Courtney Baker AWESOME
Thank you Courtney Baker for being able to see.I hope you will return for another interview.You have so much energy and it was such a blessing to cross paths.I need all the help I can get on this.Thank you for believing in the power of change. Check out to the web site to see the interview or at least read about it.Your awesome and I hope you return soon.Anthony
Did you feel that " TREMOR "
Change is coming.I recommend that folks reading this blog get the Star Courier.Its in the air,I see some good folks taking a stand.I'm sure soon you will all see that more folks are helping to make a difference.Council man Yaklich has a good program going with Graffiti removal that I think is just the cure."You did it now clean it up."Absolutely an asset to the council.Now lets get those litter bugs.
The folks who represent this town are doing good,and if I seem like I'm slamming them some times,they should take a second look.I'm trying to help.They deserve any help they can get and any ideas we can offer.
Think about it,small city,big depression.Yea folks and is going to get a whole lot worse unless we get involved.WE are what WE have been waiting for.We are the power of change.LETS GET THE PARTY STARTED!!!I wish their was an apprenticeship for some of these position's so we could benefit from the inevitable.Folks have been fighting to keep this town afloat for a long time,we haven't seen it because its been working.I see it when I ask for donations.I just hope that I give them a spark of madness to keep them going.This is the most excitement I've seen in this town since I've lived here.I LIKE IT.God bless to all involved.God helps those who help each other,so stop hurting one another.
The folks who represent this town are doing good,and if I seem like I'm slamming them some times,they should take a second look.I'm trying to help.They deserve any help they can get and any ideas we can offer.
Think about it,small city,big depression.Yea folks and is going to get a whole lot worse unless we get involved.WE are what WE have been waiting for.We are the power of change.LETS GET THE PARTY STARTED!!!I wish their was an apprenticeship for some of these position's so we could benefit from the inevitable.Folks have been fighting to keep this town afloat for a long time,we haven't seen it because its been working.I see it when I ask for donations.I just hope that I give them a spark of madness to keep them going.This is the most excitement I've seen in this town since I've lived here.I LIKE IT.God bless to all involved.God helps those who help each other,so stop hurting one another.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
LETS SHARE plant a tree in memory of
Why not have a tree planted in memory of a loved one.Currently I am trying to get with a company that can make small memorials to place by the trunk of the tree that will allow us to view it easily and be relatively inexpensive.This in combination with GPS will really help us hold the memories and will give us reason to visit the orchards in spring during the Cherry Blossom Days.What a way to remember all
passed loved ones human and other.
passed loved ones human and other.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Compton Accounting 531 south main street Kewanee Ill 61443(309-856-8888)Please donate or gift to the mission. These people will take care of all accounting practices.I personally need to get busy planting some trees.Besides you give there and then just talk to me.I need financial help but I would just rather someone else handle money issues.Its just me out there right now and the city is big.I will make a difference.Imagine what we can do together.God Bless us all.Still not batman or superman ,even better Human!Buy a tree to place in one of our many locations or donate/gift cash.Even invite me to speak to groups in your area explaining the every detail.Whatever it takes.Still working on the GPS but I can get to where you can see an orchard but not an individual tree,soon though.25 dollars gets a tree and gets it planted.What an impact.HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE! NOW!!Yea I hammered you with a donation page!Now I want you to go to the beginning of the blog and get to know me "getting to know you".Then we will talk more.If not God Bless You.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Aeriel view of lots 8,9 and partial108.8 of 12,13,14
lot 261009 is joined by alley to lots 8,9This purchase should have been an easy process,but that was not at all the case.Surveys were needed to satisfy neighbors.Really.I would think the city would have a surveyor on staff.Maybe re-qualify a code officer to handle property line disputes and while he is there he can asses the parties involved.Seems to me it would be a perfect compliment of duties.Hmm.
I hope the lot line disputes come to an end.I cant believe this photograph and a tapemeasure wasn't sufficent.I don't get it.We should change that.Hmm.These sites should be surveyed and ready to plant soon.I think here where the fight was strong the true potential of the "mission"will be easily recognized.I had to fight to get results faster and did not like it.I will no longer take part in such practices.I will hereby allocate property disputes to my attorney.I cannot partake in such a strange behavior.I have sat on the same park bench for years,does that mean I own it?Or if I say I do ,You have to prove otherwise?Really .A tax deed and a tape measure and a locate wand its a super cheep way to stop a neighborly issue.Or just hire a call in surveyor and he gets X mount per call split between parties.Hmm To me its just garbage and that's why I hate to bring it up.This is the reason for "council meeting withdraw."
I hope the lot line disputes come to an end.I cant believe this photograph and a tapemeasure wasn't sufficent.I don't get it.We should change that.Hmm.These sites should be surveyed and ready to plant soon.I think here where the fight was strong the true potential of the "mission"will be easily recognized.I had to fight to get results faster and did not like it.I will no longer take part in such practices.I will hereby allocate property disputes to my attorney.I cannot partake in such a strange behavior.I have sat on the same park bench for years,does that mean I own it?Or if I say I do ,You have to prove otherwise?Really .A tax deed and a tape measure and a locate wand its a super cheep way to stop a neighborly issue.Or just hire a call in surveyor and he gets X mount per call split between parties.Hmm To me its just garbage and that's why I hate to bring it up.This is the reason for "council meeting withdraw."
Info on train station GOOD NEWS
It was a very busy Monday morning.I tried to catch up with the city planner to relay the "word on the street."Good news the Kewanee mapping committee is meeting and discussing this very issue.You can be on the task force if you want to have a say in the depot/farmers market, all you need to do is get involved. I encourage all persons affected to try to get on that committee.DO NOT WAIT the longer you wait the less chance you have to instill your vision.Once the basic floor plan is formed your only going to be able to get it tweaked not totally transformed.So get on it folks.I hear their will be a town hall meeting on it in November.I see that all the people I talked with that had concern were at the council meeting in support of the changes they were demanding.Really not one of you folks.I guess you weren't really all that concerned.Too bad.Well I hope to be on the committee.Its a great way to HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE.Remember you have the power unless you give it away.This will surely be a fun committee.Visionaries are a must.It was so greet to see this issue being given a second look.Thank you Kewanee leaders for taking another look.
have you fed the fish???
I wonder why sometimes the fish seem like they are scared of you and other times swimming with their mouths open just waiting to be fed and even other times its like they chase you.I wonder what happens if I give them no sustenance,do they leave or do they only try to feed upon every thing when not in view.Maybe they turn on each other as food becomes scarce.You know I was going to use this caption to avoid talking about tonight's council meeting but I think it just described the politics of it by accident.I Know those folks work hard.Its not a joke.I bet you think they are not busy at all.Not true.I should not have discussed the topic I did tonight on TV. This subject should have been private and in reality should not have even had to have taken place.However I have to say .I feel liberated.I do not like the energy level in which I delivered my message.However I stand my ground and will not be bullied by anyone.SO BACK OFF I have no time for your antics.Change is coming and no-one can "change"that.And we should ask ourselves who would want to stop change,wait good change.This is probably a statement that will haunt me,but there it is.I will discuss the council meeting tomorrow.To my step son in China and my friend "Jacob".I challenge you to spread this to your new friends as I also challenge you to be on skype wednesday.We miss your face.
Have you seen these trash bags
I've been getting these at Menards.They are super tough and fit these standard trash cans perfect.They have tie-able handles and are"green".Even more important they work.Yes I said it "green" isn't always the best.That's why we need to figure out whats best and then "make it green."Not the other way around.I buy these because they are "smart bags."
Wow that sounds like a commercial.I wonder if they would donate to the mission.Maybe they would have until they read this,and now this.Seriously though I wonder how hard it would be.I bet not that hard.Man I'm in.What a blessing to be in such struggles.What an opportunity I have been given.
Wow that sounds like a commercial.I wonder if they would donate to the mission.Maybe they would have until they read this,and now this.Seriously though I wonder how hard it would be.I bet not that hard.Man I'm in.What a blessing to be in such struggles.What an opportunity I have been given.
Monday, August 22, 2011
If you follow the blog you know this was my ladies idea,brilliant.Phone on belt loop with camera,garbage bag,sticker picker upper and a bag to put in documents as well as headlamp.Glasses and hat optional but making me look way cool for a guy who is about to pick up garbage on the way to a city council meeting.Yes I wish I could have taken the dog if only for moral support.I feel awkward at the meetings,but that feeling goes away a little bit each time.I wish I could just go to the meeting and not have to say anything ,I could then have time just to stand up and say thank you for all you do.How ironic!I bet it will be in 2 weeks.I have faith.
I left 50 minutes early and barely made the meeting.I wasn't able to stop after a while and even had to skip some trash.It took over an hour to get home,but I did talk to some folks about my mission and came across a disabled soul who quietly breathed"you wont find any trash in my yard",and I did not.I stopped to talk and as always was floored.So many folks are on disability or confined to wheel chairs and still clean up after those who make the mess.These folks would put a tree in their yard to support the cause but have no money.I can talk about it here because they don't have internet.Yes they are genuine folks.How humbling to be free from disability.As a matter of fact I would be honored to donate more trees.Although money is starting to get scarce, I believe.
This by no means is treasure,I even found a pair of pants.I'm not looking forward to going through this stuff to recycle it.Why are they still making Styrofoam anyway?I thought it couldn't be recycled or burned.An has even much more dangerous qualities than are never worth mentioning.Great something else to look up.I just did.Styrofoam is BANNED from major cities!WOW if they can do it so can we.This is why I need folks to help out with saving Kewanee.It would be so easy to ban Styrofoam.Someone just has to take the time to ask local business to stop using for 3 months.And see what happens.My guess is there would be a lot less of it to deal with and for that it would be well worth the effort.I shouldn't rant and rave.You should!God Bless
I left 50 minutes early and barely made the meeting.I wasn't able to stop after a while and even had to skip some trash.It took over an hour to get home,but I did talk to some folks about my mission and came across a disabled soul who quietly breathed"you wont find any trash in my yard",and I did not.I stopped to talk and as always was floored.So many folks are on disability or confined to wheel chairs and still clean up after those who make the mess.These folks would put a tree in their yard to support the cause but have no money.I can talk about it here because they don't have internet.Yes they are genuine folks.How humbling to be free from disability.As a matter of fact I would be honored to donate more trees.Although money is starting to get scarce, I believe.
This by no means is treasure,I even found a pair of pants.I'm not looking forward to going through this stuff to recycle it.Why are they still making Styrofoam anyway?I thought it couldn't be recycled or burned.An has even much more dangerous qualities than are never worth mentioning.Great something else to look up.I just did.Styrofoam is BANNED from major cities!WOW if they can do it so can we.This is why I need folks to help out with saving Kewanee.It would be so easy to ban Styrofoam.Someone just has to take the time to ask local business to stop using for 3 months.And see what happens.My guess is there would be a lot less of it to deal with and for that it would be well worth the effort.I shouldn't rant and rave.You should!God Bless
Sunday, August 21, 2011
This site on New street is also in the process of being cleared
This property and the one on Washington are joined by an alley which is currently the issue.The survey will bring truth for all parties but so would've a tape measure and a locate wand ,both of which I have access to.Why would you fight against an orchard as a neighbor?I personally don't get it?
This is front view of Washington this double lot will hold many trees and currently is home to scrub brush and litter.
This is front view of Washington this double lot will hold many trees and currently is home to scrub brush and litter.
This is the site on washington
This lot is full of huge trees that are nearly all in the death process.It also needs a lot of fill dirt.
Her is some more debris that will surely have to be removed after the property line dispute is solved by the survey on Tuesday.I don't even want to talk about this highly negative ordeal, but it is fully documented in case of any other issues that could arise.I know it doesn't look like too bad of a spot but their was more here that I already cleaned up and some of what is here is much worse than what can be seen.
Her is some more debris that will surely have to be removed after the property line dispute is solved by the survey on Tuesday.I don't even want to talk about this highly negative ordeal, but it is fully documented in case of any other issues that could arise.I know it doesn't look like too bad of a spot but their was more here that I already cleaned up and some of what is here is much worse than what can be seen.
super signs
This is a receipt for the first tree planted.What a deal to get it for $25
what a blessing
The $40 dollars you see was slipped into my shirt pocket by a man who's words have been echoed by others.I cant tell you how hard it is to not just burst into tears.There is still good out there,Some folks probably still don't see it but they will eventually feel the change and that it is good.
As well as this "change" is good for a chance to be the second person to gift actual money to the mission.I'm humbled by people constantly.I have to say i love it.
As well as this "change" is good for a chance to be the second person to gift actual money to the mission.I'm humbled by people constantly.I have to say i love it.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
future site that if gotten a guaranteed donation of 1000.
I wonder who owns what.RR and City for sure.
perfect spot , how about the sound barrier that could form.I should add that to my "share"I hear the set of poles closest to the tracks is coming out and I wonder how much it cost the city to maintain their portion.This route is trash lane.The mission can fix this area with help,but 1000 would do a lot.A good reason to pursue this future site.
perfect spot , how about the sound barrier that could form.I should add that to my "share"I hear the set of poles closest to the tracks is coming out and I wonder how much it cost the city to maintain their portion.This route is trash lane.The mission can fix this area with help,but 1000 would do a lot.A good reason to pursue this future site.
Red Adams Site
first row at Red Adams
these pics show some of what we are up against
ground so hard we had to dig holes with excavator
these pics show some of what we are up against
ground so hard we had to dig holes with excavator
I am able to begin taking donations as well as gifts.I Am so excited.I need to get down to the Red Adams sight and get some more of those stumps removed and some of those giant logs cut up.I ordered the t-shirts for the parade from Breedloves and hired an accountant.I have a good feeling about this accounting firm.They cant set up a bank account yet but donations will be stored for approximately a week.The bank will be Peoples National Bank.B and B printing will make some more signs as well as ABC Signs to letter the truck.Time to get busy.I need to get some more trees ordered.And post several more pics of the other orchard sites.
The Star Courier has really been a blessing in this whole mission.The article was absolutely wonderful and when I was in the bank today a young women approached me to say that she thought what I was doing was wonderful.Thank You.But its not just me,its all of us' for all of us.I have a friend who read the entire blog and called the next morning bright and early excited to get a tree in his yard.How wonderful.Oh ya news channel 4 called but I was too busy to call back.Today I was loaned a water barrel and lots of mulch compliments of Blue Jay tree service.Glad to have you aboard.The more the merrier.I am meeting with the accountant this morning and I hope to be able to "get busy". How exciting,you know however the trees I'm getting are actually a little more like $25 and the hope is to get a donation or gift to cover the costs of planting.This is my fault because I was quoted bare root stock for spring planting.However potted stock is available right now and I think we should get as many in the ground as we can this year.Still a remarkable deal to get a tree planted.I also wanted to take a second to thank all who read this blog from around the world.Its more than humbling to have you here.Bless you all.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Dont forget the train station
I hope that nobody forgets the train station.City council meeting Monday night.I hope you will all be there.I pitched the idea to a few people today and guess what, yeah a really cool idea came up.Thanks Bob.A pavilion style with a connecting canopy walkway with beautiful landscaping(cherry trees)and maybe a water feature.See how we can help make a difference.We are all in this together.Monday night come if you support a little delay in the construction in hopes for a more viable solution for all parties involved. I will be there,duty calls.I need to concentrate on the cherry trees ,but I am behind the delay and will be the first to speak of it if need be.
Numbers matters .Don't be intimidated you have the power.I will not fear,only persevere.
I hope folks will be calm and not make angry remarks to the council.This will only bring an angry response.If we get people to listen to reason we have a unique opportunity to have an even bigger economic boom next year.Let us escape this recession by revisiting what makes us unique.WE THE PEOPLE!So if your willing please step forward, there is no such thing as a done deal.That contract can be looked at.The contractor could raise a bunch of fuss.I think that would lead to many saying" just forget about it." I think if that happens we should maybe start rethinking about who's interest are more important ,a contractor or a town. Monday,Monday.My lady had an idea that I think is genius.Walk to the council meeting Monday night and pick up trash on the way there and back.How beautiful Tuesday morning will be.I hope to see you all there.Remember you cant have change unless you are willing to work for it.Those people on the council are just like you and I.They are reasonable people and should embrace reason.We have the power to bring in positive change. I believe in You..
Numbers matters .Don't be intimidated you have the power.I will not fear,only persevere.
I hope folks will be calm and not make angry remarks to the council.This will only bring an angry response.If we get people to listen to reason we have a unique opportunity to have an even bigger economic boom next year.Let us escape this recession by revisiting what makes us unique.WE THE PEOPLE!So if your willing please step forward, there is no such thing as a done deal.That contract can be looked at.The contractor could raise a bunch of fuss.I think that would lead to many saying" just forget about it." I think if that happens we should maybe start rethinking about who's interest are more important ,a contractor or a town. Monday,Monday.My lady had an idea that I think is genius.Walk to the council meeting Monday night and pick up trash on the way there and back.How beautiful Tuesday morning will be.I hope to see you all there.Remember you cant have change unless you are willing to work for it.Those people on the council are just like you and I.They are reasonable people and should embrace reason.We have the power to bring in positive change. I believe in You..
I was at the farmers market the other day,what a sad sight.Too many restrictions on days and times.I don't want to have to go on certain days.Is the grocery store only open 2 days a week?
Here is an idea but we must move quick because construction has almost started.If you have ever been to a bus stop at night or at all,they tell you don't hang around or we close up at"this" hour.
Now the folks from the farmers market who are less than a few hundred feet away want a place to sell in any weather condition at any time.
Awesome !!! Lets combine the two.But lets build it bigger,and for the same price!!!Build it as a partially open pavilion with enclosed tornado proof bathrooms and maybe a couple of other business like money transfer,ticket sales,food (farmers market food during the day)and maybe cooked food.But that could be in an open area.If you want to you could get vendors to buy a permit.I really don't want to get into super details,I just want the construction to halt while a more thought out approach could be taken.There is plenty of room to move that building into a better position.Farmers market pays to put up tents,why not let them pay us back for the train station/farmers market building which is mostly open and big.Ok that settles it,Tomorrow I hand out lots of cards.If YouLiveHere go down to the sight tomorrow.Look at the station in comparison to the farmers market.I know people hate the station idea and even cooked food in the farmers market.I'm going down there in the morning and take another look.Hope to see ya there.
I think its because I have the advantage to talk to folks about real life things because of me pushing the cherry trees.Lots of people have lots to say.I listen so they will listen to me in return. Here is an easy opportunity to make a huge difference and turn a negative project into something super positive,how about even offering internet access ,what a way to draw in the farmers market folks from other cities.(by rail)and keeping connected to the cyber generation. HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE !!!
Here is an idea but we must move quick because construction has almost started.If you have ever been to a bus stop at night or at all,they tell you don't hang around or we close up at"this" hour.
Now the folks from the farmers market who are less than a few hundred feet away want a place to sell in any weather condition at any time.
Awesome !!! Lets combine the two.But lets build it bigger,and for the same price!!!Build it as a partially open pavilion with enclosed tornado proof bathrooms and maybe a couple of other business like money transfer,ticket sales,food (farmers market food during the day)and maybe cooked food.But that could be in an open area.If you want to you could get vendors to buy a permit.I really don't want to get into super details,I just want the construction to halt while a more thought out approach could be taken.There is plenty of room to move that building into a better position.Farmers market pays to put up tents,why not let them pay us back for the train station/farmers market building which is mostly open and big.Ok that settles it,Tomorrow I hand out lots of cards.If YouLiveHere go down to the sight tomorrow.Look at the station in comparison to the farmers market.I know people hate the station idea and even cooked food in the farmers market.I'm going down there in the morning and take another look.Hope to see ya there.
I think its because I have the advantage to talk to folks about real life things because of me pushing the cherry trees.Lots of people have lots to say.I listen so they will listen to me in return. Here is an easy opportunity to make a huge difference and turn a negative project into something super positive,how about even offering internet access ,what a way to draw in the farmers market folks from other cities.(by rail)and keeping connected to the cyber generation. HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE !!!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
learned up on it
Super cool .I"m sure grateful to have been taught how to post pictures even though I haven't improved punctuation.You know I love you Babe.So now I hope that I can get more pictures up that will actually match the blog topic.I will see about getting the article posted.Ill talk to the paper but I bet its tough to do. I will ask for sure.Ok I know those are probably not cherry trees but they do look like cherry trees if they were in the movie What Dreams May Come.I will surely "simmer down"after a few more posts.Until then enjoy a plethora of pics.Thanks again Babe.OH feed the fish by clicking on them.So cool
I planted the first trees today
How so very wonderful that things work out the way they do.My friend Jerry brought over his excavator and dug the 5 holes across the front of the Red Adams site and trees that were gifted were planted with an audience of Mike Berry from the Star Courier.I'm excited to see how the article comes out.The trees themselves are Evans Bali and North Star,and absolutely beautiful and so healthy. Thanks Jeff from Sunny Field for your continued consultation and great trees. You know a man stopped today and gave a gift and told me he believes in what I'm doing.I cant even describe how moved I feel knowing folks are with me on this.And I love the fact so many call me"dreamer".To all those who helped to make today such a blessing Thank You and God Bless.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
LETS SHARE cherry blossom festival 2
How strange how things start to make more sense.An apology is due to someone I've met for not standing up more for this idea I'm sold on it because it will bring so many for my cause.How humbling an experience that I am so thankful for.Please forgive me.Back to the festival, not mid-evil , but not full of t shirt vendors ,more of a learning environment,back to the basics of how too survive and thrive.Lots and lots of food,maybe some BBQ cooking contest and some"unplugged"musical entertainment of a few variations.The possibilities are endless but I think you get the vibe (good food good people good fun)This is why a committee needs to be formed soon.With that said, I go to bed
LETS SHARE cherry blossom festival
I know.How awesome.first part of spring when the whole family can be outside.And that is the key to all of this "family".I want it to be old fashioned with those values we all cherish.Wholesome fun at virtually no cost,maybe a gardeners corner,wine and cheese,cherry pie and maybe some ale, all homemade. Farmers market folks pay attention.Limit the vendors to homemade products and or local products.No cars! horse and buggy rides to the Amtrac or close to it(you know we are getting a 500,000 dollar building to draw tourism).Lets help it along or it will flop.
This is my "call for help headline"not unlike the "bat signal".NO I am not batman.I hope to reemploy this headline in the very near future when I will need volunteers,like minded individuals who care about people,the town and reestablishing a certain level of cleanliness.For all others please stop making a mess!If the littering in this town continues I'm going to run for mayor and make the Litterbugs clean up this town or pay to have it done. Wouldn't that be great!Ill stick with trees and pleas!Just watch for this headline if you feel kinship to the mission or want to get more involved.I do need a web page and a brochure,unfortunately that means ill have to"share" more instead of just answering questions.
I did not go to Atkinson but I did make it to Alpha.I went along the route, ate at the local cafe and talked to a few people about my mission.I never ask people for money, but you can see it in their faces.They want change but they want it free,without god and effortless.If this is you ,your probably thinking "what is he going to say about that?"I don't care.My mission is to plant cherry trees and create a festival that is truly family orientated.(currently in Kewanee Ill) but it would work anywhere.But it doesn't work without God,money,and hard work.I'm hoping more people will get involved.I felt good about the folks I talked with in Alpha and found no reason to stay.I did stop at the church on the way home .Yea I feel the need to not be in this fight alone.Lots of good people gather at churches,I need to go more myself.I have always just been a loner when it comes to my faith so the visit even surprised me.What a nice place and what nice people(the pastor and his secretary)I feel much more invigorated,I hope I return there sooner than 3 years,and for more than just some weird walk in visit.W0W time flies.And most important of all God Bless you pastor and secretary and all others I met today.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Obama in the morning
Went to Atkinson Ill this morning to see if I could get some signs up where they would be noticed.Wow lots of activity all around the area,so I figured the best thing to do was to talk to a police man.How wonderful to actually have a chance to sit down with the chief of police!We talked about the mission, and I could see his interest as I asked him questions about where I could and couldn't be as the president came through.I guess this may not be as amazing to others,but a man that busy made time for me and is even willing to take a deeper look at the idea as a potential donor to help save a town miles away.And yes I do believe Black Horse Cherry Orchard can be implemented almost anywhere.I will discuss that at much later dates.I did not make it to Alpha but I hope to tomorrow.However with my inability to accept donations until the corporation is completely formed makes me wonder if I should "slow my roll".I can however accept gifts of money but it is not tax deductible.But no account set up makes me think I should wait(Ill try)so it doesn't get messy.I guess I hope as I hand out the new cards people will not just look and leave but join in the journey with me.And with that I think it's time to "share" all the rest of the details(I think its time to work on a web page)For the new viewers be sure to read LETS SHARE if you don't have time to read the entire blog history.God Bless
Monday, August 15, 2011
I too am human
With that being said I shouldn't speak ill of anyone no matter the facts. I acknowledge and move on.You would be surprised at the humanity behind the scenes and at work already fighting the good fight.These guys are doing what they can,Im just trying to offer a little more to work with.If anyone out there thinks getting a non for profit started is cheap,easy,or tons of fun. Absolutely not.But I have faith in the law firm and attorney handling the structuring of the corporation.The printing company has some signs ready for pickup at 8 in the morning,this means I can run some to Atkinson and Alpha.How amazing is that, virtually in less than a day.Yea I believe someone will see those signs.I have that much hope.
continued hiatus
Well enough of that kind of energy,lets explore something more positive.Obama is coming close to this town.Whether you love him or hate him,he is a very powerful force.I hope to get his attention or the attention of one of his people.Crazy?Not at all.Think about the help he could offer.If he would read this blog (as new as it is)I know he would be on board.I have got a local printing company making some signs and cards that I hope will be ready for his arrival.I will stand on the highway if I can to get attention,think of the opportunity.News media everywhere and some dude holding a sign saying HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE.For those of you who are saying this action will get me shot.REALLY. Worse possible outcome more sunburn!
Lets visit my hiatus
Yes the great hiatus was extremely fulfilling.I visited the Star Courier to chat with the man who wrote the article.Great guy who offered to do a follow up story(capturing tree planting in action).I'm sure the paper and its employees feel the pressure of the shrinking town!But more important than that I feel they are interested in how this could work and that gives me more hope,which is my fuel to continue to pursue this mission for the city as well as for the people.I have yet to receive a single conversation invite from any council member and have even been told by one that he has thought about it and he is out.I find this very disturbing on many levels, especially since he has never allowed me time to sit down with him and he has never even read the blog.When I addressed him of his decision,he adamantly stated he was not interested.Very disturbed by this, I turned and addressed the crowd who just so happened to be leaving,and hope was restored when a roofing company instantly donated.We the people have the power to make a difference.I can understand not being on board with my cause maybe that's why folks got up and left.I know its why I will not return.God bless him.This excursion along with an encounter with a code officer caused me to contact a program called Illinois Main Street.This program could really help our town, so take a look at their web site maybe give them a call.They are now looking at Kewanee.THANK YOU.
BUT WAIT we've only just begun
That's right .We have yet to talk about the land,the fruit itself,the Cherry Blossom Festival and maybe we should talk about our part in all of this as a people or township.Because of time constraints I will have to "share"more with you later.Thank you.
LETS SHARE about the cherry tree
Sorry for the pause.Trees can also be fertilized using solids from our local waste water treatment plant(once they are composted)thus cutting down on the city paying to have solids removed.High line wires are no issue because we control the size of the tree,sewer and water will be shut off at the curb and removed to that point thus ensuring no more lead water lines will be used in future reconstruction if the lots were ever to be built on again.Trees can be moved creating a "footprint" to install a house for greener construction practices.Yes lots can always be available back to the township but property values are certain to rise(this is good because the lots would not be sold at a bloated rate because of the non profit status).Trees help control wind gusts and snow drifting issues.They also create a sound barrier as well as habitat for many of gods creatures.Where have all the birds gone?
Sunday, August 14, 2011
LETS SHARE about the cherry tree
Most of the trees are grafted to control height and the ones that are not can be controlled by pruning.Cherry trees only need pruned every six years because they are an "old growth" producer.When pruned correctly,they should look like a spoked wheel from the sky.GPS Google earth.Some trees are so short they max out at six foot some 25 to 35 foot.Ideal for any location.The wood can in some cases be harvested for up to 9 dollars aboard foot or used as smoking chips for their robust cherry flavor.There is no need to mulch and they are highly disease resistant.However if fruit is to be harvested,the trees will need to be sprayed.Think of local ag business and nurseries,sawmill ,furniture stores with locally made wood products.Tree roots can penetrate rough soil conditions and help control storm water runoff,just think of replacing our low spots with cherry trees instead of the scrub brush that is currently there ,flood plains are instantly transformed to beauty marks,property value will rise and our air will be cleaner than ever.
LETS SHARE about the blossom
The blossoms themselves are able to be used for fragrance production,potpourri,and they are beautiful right on the tree for a spring festival involving the entire community.A SPRING EVENT! Perfect weather for being outdoors for all ages, we will revisit Cherry Blossom Days later.A good time to mention that cherry trees themselves are mostly grafted to control height,this is a great way to bury eye sore or abandoned properties. QUICK FIX this change will be so abrupt, I'm certain it will change the demeanor of many,thus helping the "mission".Because cherry blossoms are beautiful!!!!!
LETS SHARE about the blossum
Its cherry trees because of their beautiful blossoms which draw the ever disappearing bee population into an area where volunteers or hobbyist will have easier access to the bees.This helps to create numerous"mirco" business opportunities like honey,mead,bees themselves,hive production,bee keepers,alternative healing practices and even invasive species control.All the above mentioned micro-businesses are relatively inexpensive to start and could be helped by cherry production monies or grants.IF THE BEES DIE WE WILL SURELY FOLLOW!Butterflies galore and much more..
Although it is an excuse,I will try harder not to disconnect.I just have to buckle down,but you as viewers should understand. Only two friends does make it hard to eagerly share,I'd rather focus on the task of getting it done.And with that said,contact can now be made to the local paper to continue the "mission".My hiatus was quite fruitful.I think I have come up with a way to offer more info.This will not be as much fun as the suggested,"ASKING". Maybe your waiting to be told a little more before you participate?Maybe its my literary skills.Hard to adjust without feedback.But I will certainly try.God Bless you all.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
I made the front page of the Star Courier Kewanee Illinois 61443. I hope to give a presentation on my entire plan soon, maybe easing into" it " in small groups for a while. At the same time I hope I can speak in front of as many people as possible so I can spread the hope and vision I have.Spring time,cherry trees in full bloom,a cool breeze, black horse driven buggies waltzing through the streets, carting couples to "Cherry Blossom Days." . The whole thing depends on how much YOU get involved.Maybe you were challenged in your life or had for a" just cause," and you were ready to march up and down the street carrying a sign trying to get the word out,maybe you even gathered your friends.We cant sit by and let this place fall apart around us,HELP ME; HELP YOU; FIX IT.We all live here and we all want to help,we just have to get started.My name is Anthony and I feel like things are so bad in the town, that if we don't do something as a community or as a people we will surely crumble. What keeps you from helping? Please mail me at or stop in and see my on the lot on Red Adams or spread the word,I just want you to see what I see and understand the passion that's backing it .I guess what I'm telling you is" I'M ALL IN"and I want you to join me.Sometimes when someone has a cause we say "good idea, good luck" and that's it, not this time. Please get involved,hopefully soon there will be a way to take donations from cyberspace but if you live around Kewanee, stop in person. Maybe you have junk lots or have a large area you want to have planted full of trees,you can own the land and still get it planted in trees.I challenge you to share the vision .
I made the front page of the Star Courier Kewanee Illinois 61443. I hope to give a presentation on my entire plan soon, maybe easing into" it " in small groups for a while. At the same time I hope I can speak in front of as many people as possible so I can spread the hope and vision I have.Spring time,cherry trees in full bloom,a cool breeze, black horse driven buggies waltzing through the streets, carting couples to "Cherry Blossom Days." . The whole thing depends on how much YOU get involved.Maybe you were challenged in your life or had for a" just cause," and you were ready to march up and down the street carrying a sign trying to get the word out,maybe you even gathered your friends.We cant sit by and let this place fall apart around us,HELP ME; HELP YOU; FIX IT.We all live here and we all want to help,we just have to get started.My name is Anthony and I feel like things are so bad in the town, that if we don't do something as a community or as a people we will surely crumble. What keeps you from helping? Please mail me at or stop in and see my on the lot on Red Adams or spread the word,I just want you to see what I see and understand the passion that's backing it .I guess what I'm telling you is" I'M ALL IN"and I want you to join me.Sometimes when someone has a cause we say "good idea, good luck" and that's it, not this time. Please get involved,hopefully soon there will be a way to take donations from cyberspace but if you live around Kewanee, stop in person. Maybe you have junk lots or have a large area you want to have planted full of trees,you can own the land and still get it planted in trees.I challenge you to share the vision .
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
unfair trade
Most of the day we were busy removing wood that was traded for skid loader work.Just like the backhoe work,my new friend Jerry "traded down".I have to say if it were not for Jerry,I could not even imagine.Sorry Jerry I had to say something,you've done too much to overlook,as always!Even working out trades with INCE'S that bypassed money and went to the real American way of"please and thank you".Hopefully I can get the city to let me rent sign space to INCE'S for the lot rent,one battle at a time I guess.Hey Jerry I OWE YOU AGAIN AND AGAIN.GOD BLESS YOU
!!!!!!!!!ALL GOOD!!!!!!!!!
WOW,sign was installed this morning(tough digging,lot seems to be mostly gravel(so bad we are going to need to dig trees in with a backhoe)and dry).However a huge portion of the lot on Adams is ready for trees.I have some trees already bought although its almost time for fall planting.For those of you who are not local,some info was released to the news that you should know.I want you to buy a branched cherry tree for $25 dollars through me and I will plant it,and maintain it,and give you GPS coordinates so you can track it on google earth,awesome right.(THANKS CHRIS)
Monday, August 8, 2011
meeting adjourned
I went before the council and I was very nervous,but the "seed"is planted.I gave them my phone # and invited them to this blog site so they can hopefully partake .Please become members and ask some questions.Until then I will be brief so I can concentrate my efforts as needed,I will say that I feel good about my progress today and good about the signs.Its back to work tomorrow on a corner lot that is just trashed but showing some real signs of improvement.Hopefully i can get some pictures up and get my spread sheets where they can be viewed by the public. YES full disclosure of "the books".
city council meeting tonight
I have been working on signs all day for the existing uncleared lots "coming soon", "cherry orchard."I have also been trying to prepare for my fist introduction to the city council,which i hope to make it short and sweet.I have met some of the members prior, many whom seem genuinely interested.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
continued mission statement
These questions are understandable, but I challenge you as the public to do a little digging in your hearts and on the web for the obvious and ask the good stuff,you know the specifics.This will give me time to do the manual work currently being undertaken on the lots that have already been purchased.I have started the process on my own,but everyone wants to help.For that I have hope.I don't know about you but,things aren't going to get done unless" we the people"do them.
mission statement
The mission is simple the details however are very lengthy.I hope that you will trust the fact that the entire plan is in my head but much too long to list at this point in time.Well with that being said lets get right to it, "jumping in with both feet" as they say.It is as simple as raising money and help to buy up small unwanted or condemned properties within city limits,tearing down and cleaning up the property, and then planting the lots full of cherry trees. You may be asking why cherry trees? How does planting trees and cleaning up change anything?What if I want to buy a lot in this town,do i have to buy the trees?
thanks for getting me started
well hello again:
A very special "thank you" to Chris for his help in setting up this blog.Yes I am that computer illiterate,so his patience was not only appreciated, it was surely pressured and yet his instruction and future consult is truly necessary to continue.Thank you Chris!
A very special "thank you" to Chris for his help in setting up this blog.Yes I am that computer illiterate,so his patience was not only appreciated, it was surely pressured and yet his instruction and future consult is truly necessary to continue.Thank you Chris!
First Post!
Hello Everyone...
Have you ever wondered what you could do to change the world?
Well, I am doing it. Would you like to help?
Please stay tuned... Details will be forthcoming.
Have you ever wondered what you could do to change the world?
Well, I am doing it. Would you like to help?
Please stay tuned... Details will be forthcoming.
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